Beginning September 2, 2020, at 5:00 PM, Phillips County Health Systems will discontinue allowing visitors at the hospital and clinic due to the recent increase in positive COVID-19 tests in Phillips County.
For the protection of our patients and staff, Phillips County Health Systems has reinstated its no-visitor policy. (If a patient is dependent upon a caregiver or a minor, exceptions for one companion for the patient will be considered. Visitation for end-of-life care patients will also be individually evaluated and accommodated.)
All patients will be screened by staff upon arrival. The entrance doors of the hospital will be locked to prevent accidental entry into the facility without a temperature and questionnaire screening. Please utilize the buzzer system at the doors to be let into the hospital as a patient. Patients to the Medical Clinic or Rehab are to proceed to registration to receive their screening.
If you suspect you have COVID-19, please call 785-540-4911 before entering the hospital to receive further instructions on how to proceed for testing services.
Thank you for helping us in being cautious and vigilant during this time.